Leadership and Strategy Courses

PD Training Prepares You for All aspects of Leadership Skills

Challenger Safety  training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Challenger Safety

  • Course length: 1 day course
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  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Coaching & Mentoring training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Coaching and Mentoring Training

Dealing With Difficult People in the Workplace course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Dealing With Difficult People

Decision making With a Data Driven Mindset course Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth

Decision Making With a Data Driven Mindset

Customer Service training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Design Thinking Training

Employee Engagement training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Employee Engagement Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
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  • 5.00 out of 5 from 4 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Knowledge Management (KM) training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Knowledge Management (KM) Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
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  • 4.50 out of 5 from 42 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Leadership 2.0 training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Leadership 2.0: Optimising Performance in The Age of Software and AI

  • Course length: 0.5 day course
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  • 4.50 out of 5 from 2 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Leadership training course Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Canberr,a

Leadership Training Course to Develop Strong Leaders

Mentoring training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Mentoring Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
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  • 4.76 out of 5 from 284 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Motivating Employees training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Motivating Employees Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
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  • 4.35 out of 5 from 46 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Decision Support - Problem Solving and Decision Making Training Course - Australia wide including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra and

Problem Solving and Decision Making Training

Strategic Business Planning Training Course - Australia wide including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra and

Strategic Business Planning Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
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  • 4.54 out of 5 from 67 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
10 Dimensions of Effective Leadership Training Course Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra,

The 10 Dimensions of Effective Leadership

Category top 10 skills icon

Top 10 skills for Leadership and Strategy professionals

  1. Grow into a leader
    Choose your communication style, share your vision, innovate, empower others and use body language to lead others.
  2. Use FISH! for leaders
    Use the four FISH! practices of Be There, Play, Make their Day, and Choose your Attitude to lead teams towards productivity and satisfaction.
  3. Engage employees
    Keep employees focused and involved through effective goal setting, developing focus, prioritising, etc.
  4. Coach and mentor employees
    Know what involves mentoring, how to create a mentoring relationship and ways to maintain it.
  5. Solve conflicts
    Use problem solving and analytical models and toolkits to solve problems.
  6. Take correct decisions
    Know the different types of decisions, difference between facts and information, and how to avoid decision-making traps.
  7. Plan business strategies
    Identify value and goals; perform strategic planning and SWOT analysis before implementing plans.
  8. Motivate employees
    Use motivation practices to identify needs and personality types.
  9. Knowledge management (KM)
    Understand knowledge management, KM paradigm, models and life cycle in order to manage knowledge.
  10. Implement a mentoring program
    Identify employee needs, know the types of mentoring and develop mentor-mentee relationship to get the most from mentoring.

Top 10 tips for Leadership and Strategy

  1. Qualities of a great leader - The five abilities that make a great leader are:
    1. Leading by example.
    2. Inspiring a shared vision.
    3. Challenging redundant policies and procedures.
    4. Enabling others to act.
    5. Spreading positivity and enthusiasm.
  2. Persuasion is used by leaders to affect change in people and situations. The three ways in which a leader persuades are:
    1. Persuade using character (honest, charismatic, competent) to generate respect and admiration.
    2. Persuade by appealing to people's emotions (appearance, communication & personality).
    3. Persuade by appealing to people's intellect (intelligence, knowledge & communication).
    You can observe world leaders of today and see these three persuasion factors being practiced by them to persuade people.
  3. Problem-solving is a routine task for leaders. The three approaches to problem-solving are:
    1. Stall or delay decision-making.
    2. Make a snap decision based on instinct.
    3. Create a strategy to gain further information before making the decision.
    Depending upon the intensity and relevance of the problem, one of these three methods can be used to resolve a problem. However, delaying the decision is the best strategy when in doubt.
  4. Leaders need to use systems for decision-making that increase their chances of making the correct decision. The fishbone or the Ishikawa diagram helps to identify the root cause of the problem thereby helping in taking decisive decisions. The SWOT analysis is used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats caused by the difficult situation. It provides an overall view of the problem, making it easy to reach a decision.
  5. Use mentoring programs to make relevant changes in the behaviour, attitude and productivity of employees. To create a successful mentoring program, create well-defined mentoring relationships by matching mentors and mentees based on their shared interests, experience and personality. Find out the learning styles of mentees (logic-oriented, emotion-oriented, experience-oriented, analysis-oriented or authority-oriented) or help them discover their own.
  6. FISH! philosophy is used by leaders to create a competent and self-motivated workforce. The four practices of FISH! are:
    1. Be There
    2. Play
    3. Make Their Day
    4. Choose Your Attitude
    Be There helps to build positive relationships with customers, Play is used to make work fun, Make Their Day involves providing service to others happily, and Choose Your Attitude is about developing a positive attitude. These four practices have the power to transform teams into a highly productive, self-motivated force.
  7. Employee Engagement - Develop focus and attention in employees by:
    1. Prioritising tasks.
    2. Giving clear instructions.
    3. Removing disturbances and interruptions.
    4. Creating a dynamic and positive work environment.
    People respond to well-defined goals when a favourable path has been created for them to achieve those goals. A leader modifies the situation around the employee to change their responses.
  8. Knowledge management (KM) is used for effective utilisation of new and existing knowledge. The four phases of knowledge management are:
    1. Knowledge Creation
    2. Knowledge Capturing
    3. Knowledge Codification
    4. Knowledge Integration and Sharing
    Specific techniques are used in each of these phases to manage, categorise and use knowledge in the best way possible.
  9. Strategic planning helps to create well-defined goals and responsibilities. It has a pyramid structure where Values (beliefs that guide our behaviour) are at the base followed by Vision (visualising the future); Mission (purpose); Strategy (the way to reach the goal while being true to values and mission); and Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities (who does what, how and when).
  10. For setting goals, use the systematic approach of SPIRIT - Specific, Prizes, Individual, Review, Inspiring and Time-bound. Goals must be clear and specific, and have a deadline. Employees respond better to goals that they relate to and personally gain something from. Review and evaluate progress frequently to improve focus. Reward success and improvement to motivate.
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